Sign making has become a pretty popular pastime in recent years. People make signs for a variety of reasons- to let people know about their business, to share a funny or inspiring message, to troll people, and more.
Whether it be for your business, as a joke, or just for fun, sign making is a cool way to invest your time. You will learn some basic skills like using the computer program Photoshop to design your sign, using markers and tape to make your sign, and how to photograph your finished product for advertisement.
Some of the best signs ever have been posted across traffic lights, on buildings, or held up by people at protests or events. Some have even gained national recognition and fame!
This article will talk about some of the most famous signs ever made and posted by people around the world.
Support LGBT rights
A large number of signs mentioned in the blog post and bullet point above support LGBT rights. People make signs to show their support for LGBT rights, equality, and against legislation that would harm the LGBT community.
Many people make signs for Pride celebrations, for the annual march celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Others make them to protest anti-LGBTQ+ legislation or violence against members of the community.
You can find many resources online to find inspiration for your sign and how to make it. Some even provide you with all of the materials you need to create one.
If you are not comfortable making your own sign, there are many vendors that sell ready-made ones at a reasonable price. You could also buy one at a discount during Gay Pride Month in June!
Either way, showing your support on your sign is an easy way to be involved in the movement.
Support women’s rights
The next sign is related to the previous one, as it also fights for women’s rights. This sign encourages people to support women’s rights, and to support women in their fights for equality.
The world is changing, and more and more women are standing up for themselves and what they believe in. Women are fighting hard for equal pay, protections against domestic violence, reproductive rights, and more.
Many of these issues can be organized through online platforms. If you are not involved in these causes, then I suggest looking into some of them. You could even organize an event at the local level to raise awareness or funding.
I have seen many people with this sign at protests, which tells me that many people support this cause! Even if you do not personally believe in this cause, showing your support with this sign will help spread the word.
No to racism
A powerful sign at the Women’s March was “No to Racism.” Many people brought signs that spoke out against racism, including white people who acknowledged their privilege and the need to fight against it.
Many signs highlighted the need to understand white privilege and eliminate it. Others showed how racism is perpetuated through media, including television shows and movies.
Many felt compelled to make these signs because of how prevalent racism is in our society. It is constantly being presented in the news, in movies and TV shows, and even in politics.
By making people more aware of racism and how it affects people, more people are willing to fight against it. Signs like these help bring awareness about issues like racism.
More signs are coming down as more people become aware of issues like racism.
Love wins
The LGBTQ+ community won a major victory in 2015 when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. The decision made it legal for same-sex couples to get married across all 50 states.
Signs with love wins written on them were seen at protests, marches, and Pride events in the years following the ruling as a reminder of how far we’ve come. These signs are an inspiring reminder of just how powerful love is.
Pride parades are also full of amazing signs that are fun to look at and take pictures of. People put a lot of effort into making their signs creative and funny, but also informative about issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community.
Hello goodbye
A cute way to introduce someone to someone else is by introducing your friend to their friend. By doing so, you are saying hello to their friend and goodbye to your friend, creating a funny and memorable moment.
Hello goodbye signs are very popular at sporting events where people are rushing in and out of the stadium. People who have been to a game before will know everyone who is playing- even the referees!
Sport fans have many jokes they tell about the games and players. These jokes are reoccurring ones that everyone knows and laughs at. Having these jokes on your sign will make it more memorable and funny.
Having bright colors and drawing some details on the sign with markers or pencils is a good way to attract attention from cameras at games.
Climate change is real
Climate change is a controversial topic, with some people believing it is not real and others believing that it is. While some people believe in climate change, they don’t always agree on how to address it.
Some believe that we need to cut out fossil fuels to avoid the effects of climate change, while others believe that we need to invest in green energy sources instead. Some think we should be more aware of our climate impact, while others think we need to completely revamp how we live and work.
Signs reading “climate change is real” are a clear statement that many people agree on. By making this sign, you are letting other people know that you believe in climate change and that they can trust you on the topic. You are also showing other protestors that they are not alone in this belief.
Vote! Vote! Vote!
Voting is a huge part of being an active citizen. There are many ways to vote, so there is no excuse to not vote.
Voting can be in person, by mail, or via an app. In most states, you can also register to vote at your local election office or online.
The greatest thing about voting is that you can do it every year! Every election is important and your voice should be heard.
There are many elections you can vote in besides for the President of the United States. You can vote for local and state officials, judges, and measures all depending on where you live.
If you are seeing bad behavior in politicians then voting against them will help change things.
Supreme Court Justice for all women
The highest honor a woman can achieve is being named a Supreme Court Justice. This prestigious position is awarded to those with the greatest experience in law.
Many women throughout history have been denied the opportunity to advance in their legal career due to their gender. Fortunately, we are living in a time where women are being recognized for their achievements and given high honors due to their merit.
Several women have been named Supreme Court Justices in recent history, and they have all made important contributions to the position. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of the first female justices and is known for her progressive stances on gender issues. She has helped shape how gender discrimination cases are handled at the court level.
On the other hand, Sandra Day O’Connor was the first female member of the Republican party to be named to the court. She was known for her moderate stances, which sometimes put her at odds with her more conservative colleagues. Both Ginsburg and O’Connor helped pave the way for other women to be recognized as worthy justices.