Banner stands are a great way to promote your business. Many people use banner stands at trade shows, in lobbies of buildings, and even in their own business storefronts.
Trade shows are probably the biggest venue for banner stands. Companies pay big money to put up a banner stand in a specific space. These spaces can be large or small, and they cost depending on the size and location.
Top trade show companies use roll up banners almost every time. Why? Because they are very easy to transport!
You can buy banner stands online or at local shops. If you are on a budget, then buying them from vendors online is the way to go. Buying local may be more expensive, but it is better quality plastic and will last longer. Online ones tend to be thinner plastic that rip easily.
How to make a frame banner?
A frame banner is a way to display a message or quote. It looks like a picture frame, and you put paper or a poster in it instead of a picture.
Like picture frames, you can choose which style you like: wooden, silver, gold, or even plastic! The more expensive frames will have thicker plastic or metal, which makes them heavier.
To make a frame banner, you will need to get some materials. You will need an empty picture frame, tape, a pen and paper, and possibly some glue. You may also need some heavy duty scissors to cut the paper to fit in the frame.
The first step is to measure your frame and get the right size of paper or poster to fit in it. Then cut the paper to size and place it in the frame. Next, take some tape and secure the paper in the frame.
What colors look good in a frame banner?
When choosing colors for your frame banner, you can either choose a single color or multiple colors. If you choose a single color, then the other colors must be in the frame already.
If you have a black and white picture, then you can use any color(s) in the frame to make it pop. A lot of times red looks good in black and white pictures as the shades of red stand out.
If you have a picture with lots of colors, then using just one color from the picture as a banner looks good. Using all of the colors from the picture as a banner could look too busy, so pulling just one out looks good too.
When having multiple people in your photo, it is best to use different colors for their clothing to make each person stand out.
What font should I use?
When creating your image, it should be at least 600 pixels wide or tall. This is the minimum size required to post it to Pinterest.
However, we recommend making your image at least 800 pixels wide or tall. This way, you have some wiggle room if someone tries to pin your image on a mobile device, and it will still be bright and clear.
Pinterest does not recommend posting images that are over 1 MB in size. So, try to keep that in mind when editing your picture!
Pinterest has a maximum image width of 8,000 pixels. This means that if you upload an image that is 8,000 x 8,000 pixels, it will not pin! It will downsize it to fit into a square shape so it can fit on the board.
Where can I get images to use for a frame banner?
You can find images to use for frame banners either by searching online for free images, using pictures you have, or using pictures from magazines. You can also ask your friends and family if they have any pictures they would like put on a frame banner.
Many websites have a large library of free stock photos you can use, and some even have categories that would fit for a frame banner like nature, people, animals, objects, and places.
Getting pictures from magazines is an easy way to get high quality pictures for a frame banner. Just rip out the picture and put it in a nice frame to make it look more high quality.
If you would like to make your own frame banner, then there are sites that provide templates for you to do so.
What size should my image be?
When creating your frame banner, you should make your image the same width as your frame. Since most frames are either eight or ten inches wide, your image should be around those sizes.
If you want to make yours smaller or larger, just be sure to keep the proportions correct. A one-inch wide image placed in an eight-inch wide frame will not look good.
Proportion error is when images are sized differently but are placed in the same size frame. This looks very strange and is not ideal. Be sure to check that out while you are creating yours!
The best way to test your image size is to open it in Photoshop or another photo editing program and then place it in a frame of the same width. Does it look good? Is it proportionate? Does it look like anything is missing? Great! You did it right.
What about spacing between images?
When setting up your gallery layout, consider how you will space your images. Will they be lined up next to each other, or spaced out?
If you choose to line up your images, then you will need to spend time adjusting the spacing between the images. If you choose to have more space between the images, then you need to consider what background color or image will be behind the pictures.
Having no space between the images will create a very strong impact as the viewer sees one image immediately after the other. A small amount of space between the images creates a smoother transition from one to the next.
Using a background color or image that matches up with one of the pictures adds more depth and looks nice. Using a blank background on one picture and having a background on another adds contrast between the two pictures.
Should I use bold or italic fonts?
When using fonts in your blog posts, you should always stick to one font style. Using both bold and italic fonts is considered inappropriate font use.
Bold fonts are used to emphasize a word or sentence. It can also be used to show importance of a topic. Italic fonts are used to show emphasis of a word or sentence or to add new information.
Both can be used independently so you should not combine them. When done, it looks messy and disorganized. A good rule of thumb is to only use one font style per paragraph.
Even though this rule is not always followed, it is still a good idea to do so. It keeps your posts simple and organized which draws the reader’s attention to the content instead of the font style.
How many images should I use?
As a rule of thumb, you should have at least two images per blog post. More is always better, as long as they are relevant and high-quality images.
You can get creative with your images, but try to stick to relevant pictures for your post. For example, if you are doing a blog post on green smoothie recipes, pictures of fruits and vegetables would be appropriate.
Using one image as a header and another image in the article text can create a more interesting layout. You can even do a mini-layout within your article text using the image file names to separate sections.
Using lots of small, casual photos is more inviting than using few, large professional looking photos.